Privacy policy

1. General

Thank you for taking the time to read our cookie and privacy policy. ANNE SAX is responsible for collecting your personal information as described here. If you have any questions regarding our processing of your personal data, you are welcome to contact us via one of the contact details below.

This policy applies to all information collected through and information we have received from you physically in the store.

The purpose of the site is to give you an overview of the information that is collected, how and for how long it is stored, including how it is stored, who has access to it, and who you should contact if you have questions, objections or complaints regarding the collected information.

2. Personal information

2.1. What personal data

Personal data can be characterized as any kind of information that can be used to identify you as a person. When you shop in the store or on our webshop, the store asks for general contact information. It primarily consists of information about your name, telephone and/or mobile number, e-mail, address, postcode, etc. In addition, the system saves your previous purchases, including sizes. The information is used to identify you as a customer, as well as deliver the goods you have purchased from us. The information we collect about you is registered and stored in our IT system.

2.2. What do we use personal data for?

The personal data we collect in connection with current trading is primarily used for general customer administration. Including also to fulfill the agreement you enter into with the store.

As a rule, the information is not passed on to third parties. In addition, we can process your information if the processing is necessary for the store or a third party to pursue a legitimate interest, if consideration for you does not precede this. Other disclosure only takes place in accordance with applicable legislation.

2.2.1. When booking an appointment for lingerie styling online

When you book an appointment for lingerie styling via our online booking module, we ask that you provide your personal data. This includes your name, phone number and email. We must use the information to fulfill the agreement we enter into with you when you book an appointment. You agree that we may store your personal data. The information is transferred to our customer register, where we store information about your purchase, including your personal data. The legal basis for this is the data regulation's article 6, subsection 1, letter b. You can ask to have your information deleted at any time by sending an e-mail to the data controller.

2.2.2. Data processing when processing orders:

When processing an order you have placed with us, certain personal data is shared with trusted business partners.

When placing an order, your information is passed on to Sumo, which is the company that hosts our website. In addition, certain information is passed on to the transport company responsible for delivering your item to you if delivery is necessary. Certain payment information is passed on to a selected bank, which handles the processing, if it is necessary for the payment to be carried out. Your invoice is saved in our accounting program.

2.2.3. Data processing when registering in our customer directory:

If you wish to be added to our customer directory, we will store your personal data. The legal basis for this is the data regulation's article 6, subsection 1, letter b. You can ask to have your information deleted at any time by sending an e-mail to the data controller.

2.2.4. Use of cookies on our website:

When you visit ANNE SAX, we use cookies to collect information about your visit. We use four types of cookies: 1) necessary cookies, 2) functional cookies, 3) statistical cookies and 4) marketing cookies. You can read about our cookie policy here.

2.3. The right to access your personal data

As a registered customer, you have the right to access the store's information about you at any time. You are also entitled to object to personal data about yourself that you have submitted to the store.

2.4. The right to correct your personal data

As a customer with personal data registered in our IT database, you always have the right to have incorrect information about yourself corrected without undue delay.

2.5. The right to have your personal data deleted

If the store does not have a legitimate interest in storing your personal data, you have the right to have your personal data deleted at any time without undue delay.

In addition, the customer should be aware that if the store is obliged to store your personal data according to current legislation, your right to have your personal data deleted immediately is suspended.

2.6. Protection of personal data

In line with current legislation, sensitive personal data must be stored securely and confidentially. The store stores and uses your personal data in accordance with applicable legislation.

The store's security measures are checked on an ongoing basis to determine whether our handling of personal data is handled responsibly and taking into account your rights as a customer.

2.7. Changes in the processing of personal data

The store reserves the right to update and change guidelines for personal data handling. If/when changes occur, the "last updated" date is updated at the bottom of the page. The guidelines are regularly evaluated.

3. Contact and complaint options

If you want access to the information that is registered about you in the store's IT data system, you must contact ANNE SAX by telephone, in person or in person at:

Telephone: 33 32 00 52
Address: Grønnegade 30

If incorrect information has been registered about you, or if you have other objections, you must contact the same place.

If you wish to complain about the store's handling of sensitive personal data, you can contact the Danish Data Protection Authority:

The Norwegian Data Protection Authority
Borgergade 28, 5
1300 Copenhagen K

4. Ansøgninger

Har du søgt job hos os behandler vi naturligvis de fremsendte
oplysninger i overensstemmelse med persondataforordningen og
databeskyttelsesloven, hvorfor du har ret til følgende oplysninger:

Anne Sax er dataansvarlig.

CVR: 30890248

Oplysningerne vil alene blive brugt internt i ANNE SAX i forbindelse
med besættelse af stillingen. Det vil kun være Anne Sax samt de personer, der
er direkte involveret i rekrutteringen, der vil have adgang til oplysningerne.
Oplysningerne vil ikke blive delt med andre.

Vi sletter dine oplysninger senest 6 måneder efter dags dato,
medmindre du har givet samtykke til, at vi op- bevarer den i længere tid, eller
der forinden er opstået et sagligt behov for at opbevare dem i længere tid.

Du har ret til at få indsigt i de personoplysninger, vi har
registreret om dig, og du kan på et hvert tidspunkt rette disse eller fjerne
de fremsendte oplysninger. Såfremt du ønsker at benytte dig af disse
muligheder, kan du kontakte ANNE SAX på

Du har ret til at indgive klage til Datatilsynet over vores behandling
af dine personoplysninger, såfremt du mener, at databeskyttelsesreglerne er

Klage kan indgives på

I forbindelse med udvælgelsesprocessen tager vi forbehold for at screene internettet,
herunder fx LinkedIn, Facebook og lignende sociale medier. Endvidere tager vi
forbehold for at kontakte de referencer, som du har opgivet. I den forbindelse
vil virksomheden behandle relevante almindelige personoplysninger og eventuelle
føl- somme oplysninger, hvis de er gjort tilgængelige.